Saturday, 29 August 2015

Frankenstein-Mary Shelley (review by Aadithyan j.p)

A monster or a sentient being??

Mary Shelley's classical novel Frankenstein picturesquely relapses one to the dormant fear inside every one of us to things that go bump in the night.The story takes hold in the arctic tundra through which a captain is navigating an expedition to the north pole when he encounters a man and the last sled dog of his to survive.They are both brought onboard and fed,as they lay him down to rest in the captain's bunk he cries out that he has a story to tell and that it must be uttered before his looming demise,at first they assure him that it can wait then upon his persistence they finally agree.

He begins to tell his tale of woe,starting with his days of being a student and how he had to leave for Ingolstadt to pursue his passion for the sciences.Once there he quickly began to prove himself head and shoulders above his fellow students,soaking in all he could from his teachers.He began to take interest in the intangible matters of the mind and soul.After thoroughly conversing with his professor over quite a bit of time he finally believed that he was ready to attempt to replicate free will.Against all odds he succeeded,but the results were most unsettling,he had created a monster,a creature of gargantuan size.

He runs away,shunning the abomination he brought to life.Upon reaching his home back in Geneva he is momentarily relieved,on seeing all of his loved ones.His reprieve is short lived,as the monster confronts him and expresses its malicious intent.True to its word the monster of Dr. Frankenstein devoted its damned existence to the grotesque liquidation of every person Victor Frankenstein ever held dear.

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