Friday, 4 September 2015

The Reflected Face-Anil surya

Image result for mahabharataThe man of terrible oath, Devavrata the eight son of king shantanu by the holy Goddess Ganga came to know as Bhishma after his vow of lifelong celibacy. He was blessed with wish-long life (ichcha mrithyu) and had sworn to serve the ruling king. He was the grandsire of both the pandavas and the kauravas. An unparallel archer and warrior, who posses all the qualities of a king gave up his claim to the throne for his father. This made Mahabharata the story of his sacrifices too.

 Bhishma in his previous birth was one among the eight vasus. He was cursed by sage vashista for the theft of Kamdhenu, thus Prabhasa, the protagonist took birth in the world of men as Bhishma. However Vashista softened the curse to the extent that he would be one of the most illustrious men of his time and will be remembered till the end of all heavenly creations. 
Bhishma means he of the terrible oath, he sacrificed his ‘crown prince’ title and himself the pleasure of conjugal love, so that his father could marry a fisher women. Thus he was granted with the boon of ichcha mrithyu. Bhishma once abducted the princess of kasha as bride for his half brother. This ended in a battle between Bhishma and Parasuram and the defeat of Parasuram. Amba the eldest princess later became the reason for Bhishma’s death.
Image result for bheeshma mahabharataBhishma was one of the greatest devotees of lord Krishna himself. He was a true kshatriya as well as a disciplined ascetic-a rare combination. He never unnecessarily exhibited passion and anger. A symbol of truth and duty; he was the guardian of sathya and dharma. Bhishma in all sense was a true human being. But that was how Vashista’s curse was supposed to unfold. Bhishma’s human birth was destined to be marked with suffering and that was how his life transpired right till the last movement, even his death.
Bhishma was one of the greatest Bramacharis of all time, which made him an invincible warrior of the era. He was also highly skilled in political science. He had all the good qualities of an excellent king. Bhishma posses all the knowledge of tactical formation of the military in those days and only some warriors like Krishna, Drona, Arjuna and Karna could be compared to the vast knowledge that Bhishma had. He always walked in the right path of dharma. After the war, he gave and meaningful instructions to yudhisthira on statesmanship and the duties of a king.
Bhishma was the true son of bharata and one of the greatest men ever lived on earth. He is a great example of devotion and sacrifice. His name itself is an honor to him, Bhishma which means severe because he took a vow to remain celibate for life and pithamah which means grandfather which combined means great grandsire and Acharya which means the perfect teacher. When Bhishma fell down pierced with arrow. Ganga herself came to satisfy her son’s thirst.

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