Modieen was born in a rich and powerful Muslim family in Mukkom.
His grand father ,father, mother, uncle etc. were
highly respectable people. in the
society. His father was a great polictian and respected person in
Mukkom .While
his mother was gentle person ,but a very brave woman. Modieen was an average
student in studies . But he was best foot ball player , singer ,
social reformer, above all he was humanitarian , and a great
personality .He was always kind to poor and untouchables, children
.He believed and loved all religious, .He was very helpful person .
More than anything he loved someonemost dearly. she was
kanchanmala. Kanchanmala was also born in in a richest family in
She was one of the 12 the daughter of her father and mother. Her
father was also
a polictian .Both fathers of kanchanmala andmoideen were close
friends. Unlike Modieen .Kanchanamala was one of the best student in
the school. Her father wanted her to become a doctor. Kanchanmala
used to fight against social evils in the college .Kanchanmala met
moideen in a bus. Both fell love at
first sight. They exchanged love letters .But after sometime a
letter sent by modieen was caught by kanchana' s uncle .Kanchan mala
was forced to stop her studies and was
and put house arrest. Meanwhile moideen was thrown out from his home
by his father but their love and exchange of letters did not stop
.They cointued write letters to each other. They used many methods to
exchange letters . They even found a separate language to write
letters. They faced many difficulties,harassments. etc. But didn't
stop writing letters . Both of of their families were against their
love . But Modieen 's mother , uncle . sister Amina and his friends
Mukkom bhasi ,Appu and their workers' supported love affairs between
Kanchanmala and Modieen .Kanchanmala was kept under house arrest for
24 years by her family. But exchange of their love letters continued
.After many years both decided to leave the place and go to Paris
and live together .Modieen made all arrangements' for their
elopement and collected passports
That evening on his return he travelled with many others in a boat .
Suddenly was heavy rain. the boat capsized. Modieen saved many
people. But in heavy current in the
river he drowned. When Kanchanmala heard tragic death of Modieen she
tried to committed suicide .But Modieen's mother came toher rescue
she took her to moideen's house .Thereafter Modieen's mother cared
and looked after her kanchana as daughter in law, moreover as her own
His grand father ,father, mother, uncle etc. were
highly respectable people. in the

Mukkom .While
his mother was gentle person ,but a very brave woman. Modieen was an average
student in studies . But he was best foot ball player , singer ,
social reformer, above all he was humanitarian , and a great
personality .He was always kind to poor and untouchables, children
.He believed and loved all religious, .He was very helpful person .
More than anything he loved someonemost dearly. she was
kanchanmala. Kanchanmala was also born in in a richest family in
She was one of the 12 the daughter of her father and mother. Her
father was also
a polictian .Both fathers of kanchanmala andmoideen were close
friends. Unlike Modieen .Kanchanamala was one of the best student in
the school. Her father wanted her to become a doctor. Kanchanmala
used to fight against social evils in the college .Kanchanmala met
moideen in a bus. Both fell love at
first sight. They exchanged love letters .But after sometime a
letter sent by modieen was caught by kanchana' s uncle .Kanchan mala
was forced to stop her studies and was
and put house arrest. Meanwhile moideen was thrown out from his home
by his father but their love and exchange of letters did not stop
.They cointued write letters to each other. They used many methods to
exchange letters . They even found a separate language to write
letters. They faced many difficulties,harassments. etc. But didn't
stop writing letters . Both of of their families were against their
love . But Modieen 's mother , uncle . sister Amina and his friends
Mukkom bhasi ,Appu and their workers' supported love affairs between
Kanchanmala and Modieen .Kanchanmala was kept under house arrest for
24 years by her family. But exchange of their love letters continued
.After many years both decided to leave the place and go to Paris
and live together .Modieen made all arrangements' for their
elopement and collected passports
That evening on his return he travelled with many others in a boat .
Suddenly was heavy rain. the boat capsized. Modieen saved many
people. But in heavy current in the
river he drowned. When Kanchanmala heard tragic death of Modieen she
tried to committed suicide .But Modieen's mother came toher rescue
she took her to moideen's house .Thereafter Modieen's mother cared
and looked after her kanchana as daughter in law, moreover as her own