Monday, 12 October 2015


Turn of the screw is a short story by Henry James. People gathered at the country house and started telling ghost stories, that is the beginning of the story. Then a woman began to tell the experience that she had years before.

She had the job of looking after of two children at a gentle mans house house, where the one who looked after the children before died. The gentlemen was their uncle, who said that she would never contact him for any case of the children. By keeping this in mind she went to the country house. But she finds that the children was awesome. Their name was Flora and Miles. Miles had once expelled from his school under some reasons. But Miles was extraordinary in his lessons, that pleased her.

Once in evening when she was walking, she sees a man at top of one of the tower with a terrifying face in searching for someone. She said that to the housekeeper.Again she saw him looking through a window, again searching for someone. The house keeper founds  that he was an  old employee of the house, named Peter Quint. He was dead. After some days she came to see  shadow of a women, Jessele , the maid who was looking  the children before her. That time she was with flora. She ignored the figure.

After this she began to suspect the children. Many questions arose in her mind, is the children in contact with the ghost?, and what do this ghost want? She becomes more tensed as the the story proceeds. Then she began to be in a dilemma that she has to leave the house or save the children from the evil spirits.

As the story continues the ghost began to appear at the windows, at bottom of the stairs and she who tries to protect the children from the ghosts. Like this the story becomes thrilling and interesting. Children behaved strangely especially Miles.Miles and Flora didn't behaved like children. Mile was at the age of 10 and he behaved like an adult. The maid who looked after them was 20 and experienced. From the beginning itself she was very close ad affectionate to the children. This becomes a reason for tension as she recovers what is happening to the children, but she couldn't find the reason behind this. And she also understands that the affection towards the children was not of hers.the reason behind the role played   by  Jessle and quint  is not  clearly  mentioned in the story, and the relationship of them with the children.

As we reads on we may think that the ghost and all are her illusions . Like that the 'Turn of The Screw' is a simple, interesting ghost story..

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